

Mosscap provides a lovely optimism when Dex’s introspection becomes too heavy, and an intriguing psychological contrast – something Chambers excels at in all her books. They’re comfortable with who they are and excited to be on an adventure to reconnect with humanity. Rather than a dreamer, Mosscap is a questioner: endlessly curious and fulfilled by their quest for knowledge. Mosscap, their robot companion, is an intriguing contrast.


They’re also non-binary, something which is never questioned or used against them, and it’s lovely to see a world where people are just accepted for who they are. Dex is a kind, caring soul, but often so busy caring for others they forget to care for themselves. They’re always searching for something more – something that, this time, will bring them lasting peace. A dreamer, they feel constantly unfulfilled despite their life looking wonderful to outsiders looking in. Sibling Dex makes an excellent protagonist. How do you define what is a want, and what is a need? As Dex and the robot fall into uneasy companionship, the question looms. The robot cannot leave until it’s answered the question of what humanity needs. However, their peaceful pilgrimage is interrupted by the arrival of someone quite unexpected: a robot, there to honour the centuries old promise of checking in. Feeling lost, they set out in search of answers. They’ve honed their craft – but after years on the road, they can’t help but yearn for something more. Sibling Dex is a tea monk – a traveller who provides a listening ear and a soothing cup of tea to all who need it. These days, no-one is quite sure if the days of robotic servants existed at all.


In Panga, the robots downed tools centuries ago, vanishing into the wildnerness. Chambers is one of my favourite authors, but unfortunately, whilst this has much to like, it didn’t quite work for me. After the success of her wonderful Wayfarers quartet and standalone novellas, she’s returned with a new series of novellas closer to the ground in a post-utopian setting. Becky Chambers is an innovator of the sci-fi genre, known for writing beautiful, cosy, heartwarming books superficially about aliens and space travel, but really more about human psychology and relationships.
